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Simonov P.V.*, Reznichenko L.S.**, Chekman I.S.*
The influence of copper nanoparticles on clinical picture and morphologic blood indices in experimental generalized infection in rats
*National Medical University named after A.A. Bogomolca, Ukraine
**Biological Chemistry Institute named after F.D. Ovcharenko, Ukraine

Objectives. To determine the influence of fivefold intravenous administration of copper nanoparticles on clinical picture and morphologic blood indices in experimental generalized infection in rats.
Material and methods. Generalized infection was modelled in Wistar rats by means of intravenous injection of  mixed suspensions of day’s bacterial cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Rats were treated with intravenous injections of 20 nm metallic copper nanoparticles (4 mg/kg or 40 mg/kg) as a drug under study or ceftriaxone (60 mg/kg) as a comparator in 24 hours after infection and once a day during four subsequent days. The efficacy of copper nanoparticles use was determined according to such parameters as clinical picture, body weight, and morphologic blood indices.
Results. Copper nanoparticles administration resulted in the improvement of clinical course of generalized infection and didn’t lead to any significant decrease in body weight of animals. The determined morphologic blood indices confirmed positive dynamics of their recovery. Ceftriaxone proved to be less effective than copper nanoparticles in the infection model used.
Conclusions. Copper nanoparticles possess greater efficacy compared to ceftriaxone in the treatment of generalized infection in rats judging by such parameters as clinical picture, body weight, and morphologic blood indices.
Key words: preclinical study, metal nanoparticles, copper, bacteriemia, blood count, signs and symptoms.


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