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Lukashov R.I., Moiseyev D.V.
Phenolic compounds of Rudbeckia hirta flowers and their immunotropic activity
Education Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University", Republic of Belarus

The presence of ten flavonoids and four hydroxycinnamonic acids has been confirmed in Rudbeckia hirta flowers harvested in Belarus by means of high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. Rudbeckia hirta flowers dried by air shadow method at room temperature contain the highest quantity of biologically active substances. Thermal drying (40, 60, 80 and 100°C) with forced ventilation reduces the content of biologically active substances. The optimal mode of drying Rudbeckia hirta flowers may be considered air shadow one at room temperature. Within two years of storage in a dark place at room temperature Rudbeckia hirta flowers are stable. Indices of authenticity and purity during two years of storage are practically unchanged. Immunotropic effect of a tincture and an infusion in phythogemagglutinin induced lymphocyte blast transformation reaction is shown. Patuletrin and caffeic acid practically do not show any immunotropic action in response induced by PHA blast transformation lymphocytes reaction.
Key words: phenolic compounds, flowers, Rudbeckia hirta, drying, storage, immunotropic activity.


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