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Sokolov S.M., Shevchuk L.M.
Quantitative criteria of hygienic assessment of multicomponent atmospheric air pollution effects on the body
Scientific-Practical Centre of Hygiene, Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To determine the nature of the combined effect of multicomponent aerosol composition of the major atmospheric air pollutants (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide and ash) in the experiment.
Material and methods. Dynamic inhalation priming of the laboratory animals by the main atmospheric pollutants (SO2, NO2, NO, ash) has been conducted. To determine the combined effect the methodological approach, based on the definition of the bioequivalence of the substances on their separate and joint entry into the body has been used.
Results. According to the results of the experiment isoefficiency concentration of substances was defined and ratios of the combined action were calculated. In accordance with the principle of the limiting indicator to assess the actual atmospheric air pollution the coefficient of the combined action (Cc.a.) at the level of 1,65 was recommended.
Conclusions. The nature and value of the combined effect of the investigated compounds depends on the used indicators of biological action, time of the effect onset, level of substances concentration in the mixture. On decreasing the concentration the Cc.a. value grows and the character of the combined action changes from the «strenghthening» to «weakening».
Key words: atmospheric air, combined action, isoefficiency concentration, laboratory animals.


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