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D.Y. Fyodorov
Individual anatomic differences of the human dura mater arteries branching
State Establishment «Lugansk State Medical University», Lugansk, Ukraine

Objectives. To study individual peculiarities of the blood supply to the human dura mater, depending on the shape of the head.
Material and methods. The study was performed on 100 brain specimens taken from people of different ages, gender, and shape of the head during autopsies.
Results. The main sources of the blood supply of the dura mater convexital surface, characteristics of their branching and anastomosing have been studied. Individual anatomic differences in the number, length and the angles of the divergence of the main dura mater arteries branches depending on the shape of the head have been determined.
Conclusions. The densest arterial network with the greater number of branches and the larger angles of their divergence, marked anastomotic connections, is typical of people with brachycephalic head shape. People with dolichocephalic shape of the head are found to have rarefied arterial network with the elongation of the branches of all orders, the decrease in the angles of their divergence as well as the decrease in the anastomoses number.
Key words: individual anatomic differences, dura mater, dura mater arteries.


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