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O.A. Golyuchenko
The substantiation of a method to evaluate individual predisposition to acute respiratory infections in children of the dispensary observation group «frequently ill children»
Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

The main part in the structure of childhood diseases incidence rate belongs to acute respiratory infections (ARI). Children from the dispensary observation group «frequently ill children» (FIC) are liable to ARI to the greatest extent. Nowadays there are practically no objective laboratory criteria for an individual evaluation of the health status of these children and the efficiency of rehabilitation measures. The purpose of the present work is to study the meaning of blood cortisol content and cortisol leukocytes receptors ratio as markers of individual predisposition of children to recurrent ARI.
Material and methods. In the venous blood of frequently and episodically ill children the quantity of cortisol leukocytes receptors and the content of cortisol, cholesterol and lipoprotein blood complexes triglycerides have been investigated.
Results. The results of the conducted research testify to the heterogeneity of the group «FIC» with regard to the blood cortisol content and cortisol / cortisol blood leukocytes receptors ratio. These results require recurrent ARI risk individualization. The obtained data made it possible to offer the prognostic logistic model of classifying children as belonging either to the 1st (healthy) or the 2nd (frequently ill) groups of dispensary observation on the basis of the analysis of the blood cortisol content and cortisol / cortisol blood leukocytes receptors ratio which were defined as markers of individual predisposition to ARI.
Conclusions. The results of calculations received in accordance with the offered logistic model may be used for the transfer of children from the 2nd group of dispensary observation to the 1st.
Key words: frequently ill children, cortisol, cortisol receptors, acute respiratory infections.


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