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Kulbashna Y.A.*, Kabanova S.A.**, Kabanova A.A.**
Conceptual principles of modern higher medical education
*National Medical University named after A.A. Bogomolets, Kiev, Ukraine
**Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2015;14(6):127-131.

Objectives. To define the conceptual principles of modern higher medical education.
Material and methods. Definitive analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis of information, generalization of scientific sources and materials of the authors’ own studies were performed in the research.
Results. In the modern information society the forms of teaching are changed, being transformed from passive into active ones, from mass into individual ones, from the monologue into the polylogue, exclusive into inclusive, fulltime into remote, low-efficient into highly efficient, low-informative into information-intensive ones. The main emphasis in pedagogics of the higher school is transferred to the development and implementation of new forms of independent work, contributing to the activation of cognitive activity of students.
Largely the effective implementation of the innovation principle is ensured by the principle of «learning through research», which promotes the introduction of progressive innovations in the education sector being one of the most effective teaching methods, since it enables the formation of the greatest number of general competencies and is a priority in the formation of such an important competence as the ability to analyze and synthesize information and its components: assessment, understanding, development, synthesis of information. The implementation of academic mobility and constant self-education on a continuous basis contributing to the formation of a personal professional concept of a specialist allow to achieve the timely correction of the knowledge base of a specialist, to expand it in the international professional field.
Conclusions. A necessary condition for the effective modernization of the system of higher medical education and its integration into the international educational space is the definition and adherence to the principles, on the basis of which its further development and implementation of competence models will continue.
Key words: higher medical education, modernization, principles of higher education development, professional training of dentists.


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