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Novak N.V.*, Baytus N.A.**
The analysis of physical-mechanical characteristics of hard dental tissues and filling materials
*State Educational Establishment «Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education», Minsk, Republic of Belarus
**Clinic of Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(1):19-26.

The main goal of dental treatment is a high-quality filling of dental hard tissues defects of various etiology, which implies the restoration of the anatomical and functional integrity of the teeth for a long period. The durability of the seals is largely determined by a combination of physical and mechanical properties of dental materials, such as the compressive and flexural strength, hardness, abrasion. One of the materials properties that can be used in the dental materials science to predict both the wear resistance of the material and its ability to abrade the opposite disposed tooth structure is hardness. The purpose of the study is the systematization of information on  different methods of studying the microhardness and physico-mechanical properties of the enamel, dentin and different filling materials. The analysis of the existing literature has shown that, depending on the way of determination the following types of hardness are distinquished: sclerometric (scratching hardness), abrasive (grinding hardness), impression hardness (microhardness). The article describes in detail the methods of Moohs, Shore, Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers, Knoop and others. Drawing a parallel between the laboratory studies on the microhardness of dental tissues and filling materials and clinical observations it has been noticed that amalgam and composite materials fillings have a longer duration of service life, although the microhardness of these materials is on the average 3 times less than that of the tooth enamel. On the other hand, cements have a higher microhardness as compared to composites and amalgams, though the efficiency of their clinical application is rather low. The analysis of the published literature data enabled the conclusion that the microhardness of the filling material, providing high-quality and long-term sealing, does not have to be obligatorily close to the microhardness of enamel.
Key words: physico-mechanical characteristics, dental hard tissues, filling materials.


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