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Dvoretsky E.O.*, Lesnichaya O.V.**, Senkovich S.A.**, Generalov I.I.**
Automatic real time IHC nuclear markers assessment in histologic specimens of breast carcinoma
*Public Health Establishment «Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
**Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(1):37-47.

Breast cancer is the most common oncologic pathology among women worldwide. Precise cancer markers assessment is crucial for treatment development, evaluation of prognosis and economic efficiency for a given patient.
Taking into consideration known issues with immunohistochemical techniques in routine pathomorphological diagnosis, the new method for automatic assay analysis was developed. It reduces interobserver variation, time consumption and requires less effort for documentation.
The method is based on developed original software called «Immunopy», which allows to perform video processing from camera attached to an optical microscope. Analysis accomplishes in real time, simultaneously with visual slide assessment.
The program produces «augmented reality» video with color markers overlay, which facilitates distinguishing between positive and negative cells. Numerical cell features such as count, labeling index displayed as well. User can save acquired photos, and export statistics in spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc.
Correlation analysis between visual and automatic assessment of labeling index (rpearson=0,91; rspearman=0,8; p<0,0001) performed as well.
Immunopy is free software and source code is distributed under the terms of MIT license.
Given methods and algorithms can be found useful in clinical practice and research.
Key words: breast neoplasms, immunohistochemistry, image cytometry, computer-assisted image analysis, computer-assisted image interpretation, Ki-67 antigen, estrogen receptor alpha, progesterone receptors.


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