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Trushel N.A.
Morphological preconditions for the development of cerebral circulation disorders
Educational Establishment «Belarusian State Medical University», Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(2):44-51.

Objectives. Тo determine the morphological patterns of the arterial circle of the human cerebrum (circle of Willis), contributing to the development of cerebral circulation disorders.
Material and methods. Macroscopically, histologically, histochemically, immunohistochemically and morphometrically the circle of Willis in 467 dead humans, whose cause of death is not associated with cerebral circulation disturbances as well as the data of computerized tomography in 100 people with this pathology have been studied.
Results. Variations of Willis circle, such as the combined type of several non-classic variations of arteries within the circle, aplasia of both (or one) posterior communicating arteries, posterior trifurcation of the interior carotid artery have been found in people with cerebrovascular disease most often (by 8-21%), which allows us to include them into the risk factors.
Conclusion. The formation and growth of intimal thickening in the places of vascular branching of the circle of Willis, and the gradual thinning of the tunica media under them is a manifestation of atherogenesis and can lead to the disorders of cerebral circulation.
Key words: cerebrum, circle of Willis, arteries, disorders of cerebral circulation.


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