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Lysenka V.V.
Some features of the psychological status of women before planned minor gynecological surgical interventions
Educational Establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University», Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(2):52-59.

Objectives. To identify features of the psychological status of the female patients of the reproductive age before the planned minor gynecological operations.
Material and methods. The main group consisted of 40 reproductive age female patients, admitted to the gynecological departments for conducting planned minor gynecological operations. The control group included 20 healthy women of the reproductive age. All hospitalized women were examined according to the existing normative documents of the Belarusian Ministry of Health. The psychological testing was also applied.
Statistical data processing was performed with the use of the software package «Statistica 6.0» (StatSoft, Ink. 1994-2001), adapted for biomedical research. P<0,05 (5%) was considered as a significant one.
Results. An average level of anxiety, low level of aggressiveness, high level of frustration, average level of rigidity dominated in the group of women before minor gynecological operations.
Patients with high levels of situational and personal anxiety reliably more often occurred in the main group, in comparison with the control one, that undoubtedly was associated with the upcoming surgical intervention.
Conclusions. A reliably greater number of women with high levels of situational and personal anxiety in the main group indicates that it is necessary to remember about psychoprophylactic preparation before carrying out any surgical interventions, which should be started in maternity consultation centers and finished in hospitals.
Key words: psychological status, minor gynecological operations.


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