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Zimatkin S.M., Markavets N.I.
Comparative anatomy of the liver and bile ducts of humans and rats
Educational Establishment «Grodno State Medical University», Grodno, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2016;15(3):18-23.

This review is devoted to the comparative analysis of anatomy of the liver and biliary tract of human beings and rats, as well as the determination of the specificity of their organohistogenesis. In the morphogenesis of the liver and biliary tract in rats during their prenatal development the formation periods similar to those in the human body take place which are continuously passing one into another. Despite the relatively large mass of the liver, the greater number of hepatic lobules and the absence of the gallbladder in rats show that microscopic organization of the liver and cytophysiological hepatocytes peculiarities of rats and human beings do not differ fundamentally. The review presents data demonstrating the homology of the liver and biliary tract of human beings and rats, which is the basis for extrapolation of the results of the experimental studies on laboratory rats onto humans.
Key words: liver, bile ducts, gallbladder, rat.


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Information about authors:
Zimatkin S.M. – Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, head of the Chair of Histology, Cytology & Embryology, Educational Establishment «Grodno State Medical University»;
Markovets N.I. – teacher of the Chair of Histology, Cytology & Embryology, Educational Establishment «Grodno State Medical University».

Correspondence address: Republic of Belarus, 230009, Grodno, 80 Gorky str., Educational Establishment «Grodno State Medical University», Chair of Histology, Cytology & Embryology. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Zimatkin S.M.

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