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Budritsky A.M., Levyankova A.L.
The peculiarities of the clinical forms structure, modern methods of diagnosing and tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Vitebsk region
Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus

Vestnik VGMU. 2019;18(3):68-74.

Objectives. To determine the peculiarities of the clinical forms structure, methods of diagnosing and tuberculosis treatment outcomes in 2017.
Material and methods. 121 cards of treating patients with pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis forms differing on gender, age, urban and rural residence treated in 2017 were studied. All patients with drug sensitive tuberculosis and its resistant forms were examined according to tuberculosis laboratory diagnosing mannual and received appropriate treatment. The important role in the diagnosis of tuberculosis is played by «express» methods, and namely Xpert/MBT/RIF that is fully automatic and is provided in the closed cartridge which allows to minimize cross-contaminations.
Results. It has been established that able-bodied males, living in rural areas fall ill with tuberculosis more often. In the clinical forms structure of tuberculosis infiltrative forms prevail both in newly diagnosed cases (78.4%), and on the disease recurrence (90.9%). The percentage of the pathogen revealing by GeneXpert method among new cases and the disease recurrence made up 73.7%, by the BACTEC method – 40.8%, with the use of solid media inoculation – 80.3%. Considering the high percenage of tuberculosis mycobacteria (TMB) revealing with the help of PCR- diagnosis combined with bacteriological research techniques it is possible to classify them as the leading methods in tuberculosis detection.
Conclusions. The received results testify to timely detection of tuberculosis which considerably reduces the risk of the destructive processes development in the lung. The success of therapy directly depends on patients’ high adherence to the treatment administered.
Key words: tuberculosis, diagnosing, detection, treatment, recurrence, adherence.


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Information about authors:
Budritsky A.M. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor, head of the Chair of Phthisiopulmonology, Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University;
Levyankova A.L. – lecturer-trainee of the Chair of Phthisiopulmonology, Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University.

Correspondence address: Republic of Belarus, 210009, Vitebsk, 27 Frunze ave., Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University, Chair of Phthisiopulmonology E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. – Alexander M. Budritsky.

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