"vestnik vsmu" 2016 vol 15 №6
Kulikov V.A., Belyaeva L.E.
Cancer cell metabolism as a therapeutic target
Burdashkina K.G., Bychko G.N., Kirkovsky V.V., Rineyskaya O.N.
Restricted proteolysis products: approaches to the detection and diagnostic means for the evaluation of the pathology severity in endogenous intoxication
Pobyarzhin V.V., Pashinskaya Е.S., Semenov V.M., Dmitrachenko T.I., Shlyakhtunov E.A.
Morphological and physiological characteristics of cancer cells in mammals (literature review)
Gorodetskaya I.V., Gusakova E.A., Evdokimova O.V.
Peripheral mechanisms of the stress-protective effect of iodine-containing thyroid hormones
Kubrakov K.M., Abodovsky S.A., Podolinsky Y.S., Ermashkevich S.N., Chulkov A.A.
The antibiotic resistance of pleural empyema pathogens
Tsikhan N.M., Volkava M.P., Khmialenka A.V., Hryn A.I.
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome. Clinical case in pediatric practice
Public health and health service
Glushanko V.S., Mikhnevich E.V., Alfyorova M.V.
Implementation of the Belarusian model of public health service and the main trends of its further development
Technology of drugs production. Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy. Organization of pharmacy
Khishova O.M., Shimko O.M., Avdachenok V.D.
The study of the safe use of Potentilla alba herb
Pedagogics and psychology of higher school
Krasikova E.G.
Humanitarian and enlightening activity of the library
The first forum of the youth scientific societies
Galimova A.M., Efremov I.S., Kalanova I.R.
The organization of teaching the fundamentals of conducting scientific researches to junior students
Degtyarenko L.V., Popov A.A., Moshurov R.I., Luyev I.A., Maksimov A.V.
The role of the students’ scientific society in the development of advanced medical technologies
Chobanyan A.A.
Surgical anatomy of coronary circulation
Prokopyeva T.N., Stepashina T.E.
Non-alcoholic fatty disease of the liver: the six-year literature data review
Eliseyev A.S.
Morphometric peculiarities of the Baker’s cyst
To the 60-th anniversary of V.P. Adaskevich