"vestnik vsmu" 2020 vol 19 №2
Liasnikau K.A., Shliakhtunou Y.A.
Clinical significance of molecular-genetic markers in the diagnosis and personalization of lung cancer therapy
Kveten A.G., Nitkin D.M.
Algorithm for choosing the method of surgical treatment for urethral strictures in males
Tkachenko A.S.
The influence of E407a food additive on granulocyte apoptosis intensity in an experiment in vitro
Pathologic physiology
Pauliukevich A.N., Belyaeva L.E.
The system of nitric oxide production in rats which have undergone prenatal stress
Internal medicine
Rakhmanova O.V., Podkopaeva D.S., Barteneva A.A., Churilova M.O.
The adherence of students of the Kursk State Medical University to influenza and ARVI prevention
Skin and venereal diseases
Katina M.A., Lesnichaya O.V.
Large plaque parapsoriasis: clinicohistological parallels
Radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy
Zherko O.M., Shkrebneva E.I.
Ultrasonic diagnosing of the left ventricle remodelling in chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Karpuk N.A., Rubnikovich S.P., Boginskiy O.Y.
The possibilities of cytologic diagnosis in prophylactic medical examination of patients with precancerous diseases of the oral mucosa taking into account their prevalence in Vitebsk Region from 2014 to 2019
Technology of drugs production. Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy. Organization of pharmacy
Adamenko G.V., Martsinkevich A.F.
Validation of quantitative determination methods of brilliant green and сrystalline iodine in alcohol-containing antiseptic medicinal agents
Case from practice
Baitus N.A., Сhernyavski Y.P.
Clinical case of chronic apical periodontitis treatment, complicated by odontogenic maxillary sinusitis
History of VSMU
Usovich A.K., Makeenko V.V.
To the 125th anniversary of Professor Oshkaderov V.I. – the first staff head of the Anatomy Chair of VSMU