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"vestnik vsmu" 2020  vol 19  №3


Makarevich O.O.
Intravitreal injections in retinoblastoma treatment

Palhuyeva H.Y., Litvyakov A.M.
Rheumatic arthritis and atherosclerosis: focus on persistent infection. Literature review

Histology, cytology, embryology

Pashinskaya E.S., Semenov V.M., Pabiarzhyn V.V., Kubrakov K.M.
The reproduction technique of experimental metastatic rat glioma C6 with the use of a fluorescent dye


Lazuko S.S.
iNOS-dependent modulation of the coronary vessels tonе in experimental diabetes mellitus developing on the background of preliminary adaptation

Pathologic anatomy

Samsonava I.V., Liasnichaya O.V., Malashenka S.V., Klopava V.A., Galipad V.V., Mliavy A.M.
Pathomorphology of COVID-19 according to the data of fifteen autopsies

Obstetrics and gynecology

Kononenko I.S.
Genes polymorphisms of transforming growth factor β1 and matrix metalloproteinase 9 as molecular and genetic predictors of isthmic-cervical insufficiency development in female patients with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

Anesthesiology and resuscitation

Markevich D.P., Marochkov A.V., Livinskaya V.A.
Anesthetic management and intensive care of traumatic brain injury and C-reactive protein as a predictor for survival and treatment effectiveness of patients

Infectious diseases

Pryshchepenka V.A., Yupatov H.I., Okulich V.K.
Prediction of severe disease in patients with viral pneumonia presumably caused by COVID-19


Goldytski S.O., Krasny S.A., Demeshko P.D., Lud N.G.
Comparative analysis of treatment outcomes in patients with intermediate-risk prostate cancer

Radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy

Zherko O.M.
Echocardiographic criteria of diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle and their diagnostic reliability

Transplantology and artificial organs

Zybleva S.V., Zyblev S.L.
The peculiarities of dendritic cells subpopulations in patients on kidney transplantation


Biziukevich S.V., Karpiuk V.A.
Comparative characteristics of the distribution of alleles and polymorphisms of the folate cycle genes in children with autism spectrum disorders and healthy children of Grodno and Grodno region

Technology of drugs production. Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy. Organization of pharmacy

Kuhach V.V., Shabunin Y.S.
Research of reasons for calling emergency medical care (emergency) to the pharmacies of Vitebsk city for 2016-2018


To the 70th anniversary of A.M. Litvyakov


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