"vestnik vsmu" 2021 vol 20 №2
Vasilyuk A.A., Kozlovsky V.I.
Promising directions for the application of piperidine derivatives as structural components of neurotropic drugs
Borisevich M.N.
About quantum computer and quantum medicine
Histology, cytology, embryology
Shchastniy A.T., Lebedeva E.I., Babenka A.S.
The role of mRNA level of the Notch signaling pathway genes in induced rat liver fibrogenesis
Yanushko V.A., Klimchuk I.P., Mshar S.V., Kordzakhia G.E., Rogovoy N.A.
Short-term results of endovascular treatment for obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities arteries in patients over 70 years of age
Infectious diseases
Ziamko V.Y., Okulich V.K., Dzyadzko A.M., Kolchanova N.E., Goncharova A.I., Kornilov A.V., Kabanava А.А., Averchankava N.A.
The dependence of microorganisms biofilm formation on the features of the infectious process
Semenov V.M., Pabiarzhyn V.V., Pashinskaya E.S., Egorov S.K., Gorbachev V.V., Kosova M.S.
The development of test systems for determining the expression of the
Clinical immunology, allergology
Minina E.S., Novikova V.I., Novikov P.D., Babenka A.S.
The analysis of the association of ADRB2 gene polymorphism and external respiratory function in children with bronchial asthma
Radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy
Zherko O.M., Shkrebneva E.I.
Scoring scale for assessing the risk of detecting right ventricle diastolic dysfunction of type II in chronic heart failure
Yadchenko V.N., Pokhodenko-Chudakova I.O., Lastovka A.S., Yadchenko E.S.
Ultrasound navigation in surgical treatment of patients with salivary stone disease of the parotid salivary gland. Clinical observation
Pedagogics and psychology of higher school
Perevalov Y.O.
Higher medical education of the BSSR: main aspects of assistance to practical health care in the 1950s and 1960s
Kamiandrouskaya A.A.
Stay in the Ulm University Clinic (Germany)
To the 60th anniversary of A.T. Shchastniy
Seminar materials «Methods and forms of organizing the educational process at clinical bases in conditions of coronavirus infection»
Yakovleva E.V.
Realization of professional competencies in conditions of COVID-19 infection spread
Pronko T.P.
The role of simulation training in teaching the subject «Medical care» to the students
Rednenko V.V., Poplavets E.V., Rednenko L.I.
The experience of conducting current attestation of students in conditions of coronavirus infection
Kabanova S.A.
The organization of work of the stomatological profile chairs in conditions of coronavirus infection
Kozlovsky V.I., Pecherskaya M.S.
The experience of teaching internal diseases remotely at the Chair of Faculty Therapy and Cardiology with the course of the Faculty for Advanced Training and Retraining
Kiseleva N.I., Kolbasova E.A., Arestova I.M., Zhukova N.P.
Teaching obstetrics and gynecology with the use of modern technologies in conditions of pandemic of the new coronavirus infection
Vykhrystsenka L.R.
Distance learning and mobile technologies in teaching the subject «Internal diseases»
Vykhrystsenka L.R., Sudzibor N.F.
The organization of clinical practical classes with the students of the faculty of training foreign citizens at the Chair of General Medical Practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
Egorov K.N., Vykhrystsenka L.R., Seregin A.G., Zubareva E.V., Baryshev A.N.
The forms and methods of distance learning by example of the academic discipline «Polyclinic therapy»