"vestnik vsmu" 2023 vol 22 №6
V.M. Semenov, T.I. Dmitrachenko, S.K. Ziankova, S.K. Yahorau, I.A. Lyatos, A.A. Marchenko, A.N. Kizimenka, K.A. Savochkina, T.A. Aksinushkina, A.M. Kashtanov
Clinical and pathogenetic significance of TTV infection
K.V. Pyko, S.S. Osochuk
The effect of regular physical activity on zeta potential value and protein-carbohydrate composition of the erythrocyte membrane in humans
Internal medicine
M.A. Litviakou, K.M. Kubrakou, V.I. Averin, V.M. Semenov
Analysis of the etiological structure and resistance of causative agents of the inflammatory process of the abdominal cavity in acute destructive appendicitis in children
Anesthesiology and resuscitation
V.Y. Ziamko, Y.G. Ziamko, V.K. Okulich
The influence of coronavirus infection on the policy of using antibiotics and the formation of microflora antibiotic resistance in the resuscitation and anesthesiology department
Infectious diseases
V.G. Popov, Y.Y. Vinnik, A.A. Petrov, A.V. Shulmin
Laboratory diagnosis of viral hepatitis C in the current period
A.V. Boika, M.M. Sialitski, V.V. Ponomarev, I.V. Doroshkevich
Immune system activity in patients with Parkinson’s disease who have had COVID-19
Molecular genetics
I.A. Subotsina, V.M. Semenov, I.I. Kupriyanov
Biological and molecular genetic features of SARS-CoV-2
Yu.A. Hadziatskaya, T.A. Gribok, N.A. Mukvich, V.A. Sinkevich
The analysis of morbidity with temporary disability of machinery and equipment production enterprise workers in Vitebsk for 2015-2019
A.V. Kuzmiankova, E.G. Asiryan
Dental profile of children with chronic stomatitis