"vestnik vsmu" 2018 vol 17 №6
Sheibak V.M., Pauliukavets A.Y.
Biochemical heterogeneity of T-lymphocytes
Nebylitsin Y.S., Lazuko S.S., Kut’ko E.A.
Ischemia-reperfusion syndrome of lower limbs
Pabiarzhyn V.V., Pashinskaya Е.S., Semenov V.M., Hancharou A.Y.
Methodological aspects of setting up oncological models under experimental conditions
Yarotskaya N.N., Kosinets V.A., Karalkova N.K.
Changes in the functional activity of the liver in experimental generalized purulent peritonitis with the application of energotropic correction
Pathologic anatomy
Kuzmenka-Maskvina Y.A.
Morphologic, immunohistochemical and immunofluorescent diagnosing of typical early and advanced scleroatrophic lichen features
Dmitrieva M.V., Letkovskaya T.A., Chyzh K.A., Bragina Z.N.
Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis with crescents: clinical, morphological and prognostic analysis
Klymenko V.A., Drobova N.N.
Cystic fibrosis course in children depending on the mutations of interleukin-4 and interleukin-10 inflammation modificator genes
Klymenko V.A., Karpushenko J.V., Kozhyna O.S.
The results of the phase IV study of ISAAC (International study of asthma and allergy in childhood) in Kharkov Region
Aleinikava N.Y., Boika A.V., Nizheharodava D.B., Ponomarev V.V., Vanslau M.I., Ustsiamchuk A.M., Ihnatovich T.V., Kuznetsova T.Y., Hladkova Z.A., Zafranskaya M.M.
The obtaining of toxic chronic model of parkinsonism syndrome in rats
Ear, nose and throat diseases
Makaryna-Kibak L.E., Yaromenka Y.E., Кarnialiuk V.A., Mirylenka А.P.
Determining the criterion of the unfavourable course of the postoperative period in patients with oropharyngeal level of obstruction
Technology of drugs production. Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy. Organization of pharmacy
Adamenko G.V., Burak I.I., Strigo E.S.
Assortment and cost analysis of antiseptic agents for external use
Pedagogics and psychology of higher school
Karalkova N.K., Bizunkov A.B.
Competency-based approach and quality control of medical education: historical aspect and analysis of the modern state of the problem