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"vestnik vsmu" 2014  vol 13 №1


Pokhodenko-Chudakova I.O., Karsyuk Y.V.
Substantiation of the research on the development of the system to prognosticate dental implantation outcomes. Analytical literature review


Shkolnikov V.S., Guminsky Y.Y.
Structural peculiarities and morphometric parameters of the spinal cord segments of the human fetuses and Siamese twins in the comparative aspect


Osochuk S.S., Lobkova O.S.
Mixed saliva crystal structure of white laboratory rats

Buyanova S.V., Osochuk S.S.
Statins influence on the hormonal blood spectrum and cholesterol content in the adrenal glands of white laboratory rats


Gusakova E.A., Gorodetskaya I.V.
The effect of the alteration in the thyroid status on the microscopic changes of rats’ liver structure under stress

Histology, cytology, embryology

Bobrysheva I.V.
Morphologic and functional features of rats’ thymus in different age periods after experimental immunosuppression


Nikolayeva I.V., Sheybak V.M., Lelevich S.V., Kravchuk R.I.
The structure of microbiocenosis of rats’ intestine  after acetaminophen administration

Internal medicine

Nikolayeva A.G., Olenskaya T.L., Soboleva L.V., Arbatskaya I.V., Dragun O.V.
Hypobaric adaptation in the rehabilitation of patients with bronchial asthma and chronic  bronchitis

Infectious and parasitic diseases

Kuzhel D.K., Bekish V.Y., Semenov V.M., Zhmakin D.A., Bekish L.E., Mitsura V.M., Zorina V.V.
The elaboration of the combined method of human opisthorchiasis treatment

Rednenko V.V.
Clinical and epidemiological nature of  Chlamydophila pneumoniae prevalence in military units, elaboration of optimal schemes to prevent infection

Skin and venereal diseases

Protsenko O.A.
Clinical cases of classic and epidemic Kaposi’s sarcoma

Allergology and immunology

Semyonova I.V., Vykhristenko L.R.
Complex evaluation of the clinical efficacy of allergen specific immunotherapy in pollen allergy


Bondarenko V.M., Pimanov S.I., Dosta N.I.
Correlation of testosterone serum level with visceral adipose tissue quantity

Anesthesiology and resuscitation

Pechersky V.G.
The spread of 30 ml solution of local anesthetic in the femoral nerve blockade and the blockade of lumbar plexus branches «3-in-1»

Pedagogics and psychology of higher school

Kabanova S.A., Kulbashna Y.A., Kabanova A.A., Borisyonok V.A.
Self-appraisal of dental students educational competence in VSMU

Kulbashna Y.A.
Professional competence formation in future dentists

Gorodetskaya I.V., Gorbachev V.V., Klopov N.A.
The problem of leadership in the students medium of VSMU


Bekish V.Y.
Problems and prospects of the new text-books writing in the Republic of Belarus

Aid to the educational process

Zhernosek A.K.
Introduction of translational medicine conception into the educational process (speciality «Pharmacy»)

Turning over the pages of foreign medical publications

Nemtsov L.M., Kozlovsky V.I.


Mikhail Grigoryevich Sachek (to the 85-th anniversary)

Lud N.G., Vasilenko N.I., Nebylitsin Y.S., Milantyeva A.V., Milantyeva Y.V.
To be happy with the happiness of others. Siparov Iosif Nikitich (to the 90-th anniversary)


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