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"vestnik vsmu" 2024  vol 23  №3


I.S. Abelskaya, E.S. Kopytok, A.N. Mikhaylov
Joint instability in cervical osteochondrosis

А.I. Razuvanau, N.А. Dziarzhynskaya, А.I. Patsko
Working capacity of people with disabilities: the place of performance in the integrative assessment

Histology, cytology, embryology

A.F. Raduta
The development of dermal-cartilaginous autografts on the surface of a full-thickness skin defect in rats

Infectious diseases

E.S. Panko, S.V. Zhavoronok, A.M. Solovchuk, S.V. Panko
Functional disturbances of respiratory pump muscles in the acute phase of COVID-19


M.N. Tillyashaykhov, N.Kh. Rajabova, N.D. Suyunov, S.M. Djanklich
Epidemiology and forecast for the incidence of oncological diseases, lung and bronchial cancer

Technology of drugs production. Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy. Organization of pharmacy

A.S. Bakun, N.S. Gurina
Study of the antibacterial and antifungal activity of the Galega officinalis L. herb

V.A. Malatok, T.F. Chernykh, S.E. Rzheussky, A.A. Kuzmich, D.S. Nebyshinets
Determining the specific activity of medical hemostatic foam based on aluminum chloride

O.A. Sushinskaya, N.S. Golyak
The assessment of local irritant and skin-resorptive effect of liquid extract of wormwood and combined spray based on it

Clinical case

M.S. Nedoseikina, A.V. Mishin, A.N. Tugarinova, G.V. Voronovich
Capillary placental hemangioma (clinical case)

M.A. Kryshtopava, A.B. Bizunkov, V.A. Nesterenko
First experience of using intranasal spray based on hyaluronic acid after planned surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx

History of medicine

A.N. Chukanov, A.N. Shchupakova, V.S. Glushanko, S.P. Kulik
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus: 105 years of the development, transformations and accomplishments


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