"vestnik vsmu" 2024 vol 23 №6
I.I. Gornostay, N.I. Hreben, E.D. Mikhelis, A.Y. Stashkevich
Contemporary approaches to parathympanic spaces obliteration resulted from mastoidectomy (literature review)
O.Y. Poluliakh
Effects of viral infections on the brain function
Human anatomy
V.B. Shadlinski, A.S. Abdullayev
Maxillo-alveolar breadth and length in age and gender aspects and their correlation with craniometric data
Histology, cytology, embryology
I.A. Piatsko, A.K. Usovich, S.D. Tolstaya
Morphometric analysis of age-related changes in the prostate vascular network
Internal medicine
L.I. Bondareva, L.R. Vykhrystenka
Assessment of urine and blood serum peptides in proliferative and non-proliferative forms of primary chronic glomerulonephritis
Obstetrics and gynecology
A.S. Aleksandrovich
Assessment of the endothelial cell desquamation degree in the blood of pregnant women at increased risk of fetoplacental insufficiency
Anesthesiology and resuscitation
E.S. Kavaleva, A.L. Lipnitski, А.V. Marochkov, E.V. Karaleva
Hyperphosphatemia as a pathological syndrome in critically ill patients
Skin and venereal diseases
K.B. Zviagintseva, A.P. Muzechenko, T.A. Kanashkova
Incidence of mycoses in the Republic of Belarus
A.A. Lakutin, T.A. Emelyantseva, V.A. Korzun, O.Yu. Zakharevych, А.I. Razuvanau
The choice of neuropsychological tests for diagnosing visual object agnosia in patients after cerebral infarction
V.E. Nikitenkova, N.N. Maslova, A.A. Volchenko, V.I. Kuznetsova
Epidemiology of multiple sclerosis in children of the Smolensk region
Traumatology and orthopedics
P.E. Vankovich, O.P. Kezlya
Metabolic therapy effects on the blood acid-base status and gas transport function in patients with diaphyseal fractures of the tibia bones
Radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy
A.N. Mikhaylov, Yu.N. Patupchik
X-ray diagnosis of traumatic injuries to the orbit lower wall
H.I. Yakubenka, T.K. Savunova
Ocular surface condition in patients with first-diagnosed primary open-angle glaucoma before treatment
Technology of drugs production. Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy. Organization of pharmacy
O.A. Sushinskaya, N.S. Golyak
Development of the combined anti-inflammatory spray and its technological parameterization
R.I. Lukashou, N.S. Gurina
Effect of the purple coneflower herb heat pre-treatment on the yield of hydroxycinnamic acids during extraction