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"vestnik vsmu" 2014  vol 13 №3


Nemtsov L.M.
Pseudomembranous colitis as a multidiscipline problem

Shlyakhtunov E.A., Gidranovich A.V., Lud N.G., Lud L.N., Kozhar V.L., Prokoshin A.V.
Skin cancer: current state of the problem

Baytus N.A.
Synthetic osteoplastic preparations on the basis of hydroxyapatite in dentistry


Gorodetskaya I.V., Gusakova E.A.
The effect of iodine-containing thyroid hormones on the intensity of lipid peroxidation in the liver and blood of rats under stress


Stepanenko A.Y., Maryenko N.I.
Structure and individual anatomical variability of the neocerebellum of the human vermis


Sheybak V.M., Nikolayeva I.V., Pavlyukovets A.Y.
Microbiocenosis in large intestine and free amino acid content in microbial-tissue complex of rats

Frolova A.V., Kosinets A.N., Burak I.I., Denisenko V.L.
New approach to the prevention of exogenous wound infecting

Internal medicine

Maslovskaya M.V., Lollini V.A.
Connective tissue undifferentiated dysplasia and minor heart abnormalities as a predictor of heart arrhythmia in patients with coronary heart disease


Pilant D.A., Lollini V.A.
The relationship of structural and electrical cardiac remodelling in patients with hypertension and atrial fibrillation paroxysms

Obstetrics and gynecology

Lysenko O.V.
Adenocarcinoma and endometrial polyps in postmenopausal women: cytokines balance, sFas-ligand secretion and antirelapse therapy


Ovsyanik D.M., Fomin A.V.
Aspects of pathomorphogenesis and diagnosing of infected pancreatic necrosis (literature review)

Clinical immunology, allergology

Dotsenko E.A., Rozhdestvensky D.A., Yupatov G.I.
Immunodeficiencies and some immunomodulatory drugs


Zasko S.R., Lud N.G., Prokoshin A.V., Shlyakhtunov E.A.
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of skin melanoma in Vitebsk region (1999–2013)

Hygiene and ecology

Shevlyakov V.V., Filonyuk V.A., Rybina T.M., Chernyshova Е.V., Kardash O.F., Ehrm G.I., Buynitskaya A.V., Studenichnik Т.S.
Health status of the employees engaged in biotechnological productions

Psychiatry and narcology

Fomin A.V., Kirpiсhenko А.А., Fomin F.A.
Anxiety and depression in patients at a surgical hospital

Public health and health service

Timchenko O. I., Linchak O.V., Protsyuk O.V., Mikitenko D.A., Koba O.P., Sizonenko O.V., Kachko G.A.
Reproductive behavior of women in the Ukraine (2012 review)

Kugach V.V., Troina S.G.
The activities of United Nations Organization, World Health Organization and the Republic of Belarus aimed at providing healthy aging


Karpuk I.Y.
In vivо diagnosing of allergy in patients with intolerance to chrome

Pedagogics and psychology of higher school

Gorodetskaya I.V., Zagnoyko E.A.
VSMU students’ attitude to the use of rating system of knowledge assessment


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