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"vestnik vsmu" 2014  vol 13 №4

80 years in the educational process


Nemtsov L.M.
Pathophysiological and clinical-diagnostic value of cholecystokinin in biliary pathology

Shlyakhtunov E.A., Semenov V.M.
Molecular and genetic diagnosis of minimal residual disease in oncohematology

Karpuk I.Y.
Immunopathology in patients with orthopedic appliances in the oral cavity


Lazuko S.S.
2-ethylthiobenzimidazol hydrobromide activates BКСa-channels of smooth muscle cells of rats’ aorta


Generalov I.I., Korotina O.L., Tikhonova S.F., Generalova A.G., Zheleznyak N.V.
Abzyme activity of polyclonal immunoglobulins of IgA class

Internal medicine

Kravchun P.G., Delevskaya V.Y.
Correlation of  bronchial obstruction with diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in patients with arterial hypertension and concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


Kozlovsky V.I., Simanovich A.V.
Life quality and the level of anxiety as risk factors of unfavorable events development in patients with arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree


Kosinets V.A.
Pathogenetic aspects of complex treatment of patients with generalized purulent peritonitis


Lysenko I.M., Kosenkova E.G.  
Modern principles of intrauterine infections diagnosing in children


Bekish V.Y., Zorina V.V.
The development of combined method of human trichocephaliasis treatment

Infectious diseases

Semenov V.M., Zhiltsov I.V., Dmitrachenko T.I., Zenkova S.K., Skvortsova V.V., Kubrakov K.M.,Veremey I.S.
Detection of beta-lactamases production by bacteria with the use of test system «BioLactam»

Skin and venereal diseases

Sokolova T.V., Malyarchuk A.P., Adaskevich V.P., Lopatina Y.V.
Scabious erythroderma as a new clinical variant of scabies

Clinical immunology, allergology

Novikov D.K., Smirnova O.V.
Immunological phenotypes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: prospects of immunocorrection

Novikova V.I., Novikov P.D., Titova N.D.
Heterogeneity of allergy in children with bronchial asthma


Shustov D.I., Kiselev D.N., Novikov S.A., Zuykova N.L.
Secondary alcohol dependence in patients with schizophrenia and organic brain damages


Zharkova O.A., Dubovets A.V., Polyakova D.D.
Aspects of the major stomatological diseases prevention during pregnancy

Dolin V.I., Yuris O.V.
The incidence of bruxism in the Republic of Belarus according to the data of epidemiologic research

Technology of drugs production. Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy. Organization of pharmacy

Kugach V.V., Tarasova E.N.
The comparative characteristic of the criteria for classification of drugs in the Republic of Belarus and abroad

Kravchenko V.N., Georgiyants V.A., Vladimirova I.N., Shcherbak E.A., Orlova V.A., Kononenko A.G.
The study of medicinal plants influence on the thyroid function

Khishova O.M.
Pressing and firmness of tablets on the basis of finely powdered herbal substances

Setkina S.B., Khishova O.M.
Biopharmaceutical aspects of drugs technology and the ways of bioavailability modification

Аdamenko G.V., Burak I.I.
Production technology and quality evaluation of electrochemically activated solutions

Аdamenko G.V., Burak I.I., Kolkov M.A.
The technique of determining ethyl alcohol by means of gas-liquid chromatography

Pedagogics and psychology of higher school

Kabanova S.A.
The results of questionnairing the final-year students of the stomatological faculty

Kugach V.V., Serak E.A.
The results of questionnairing the final-year students of the pharmaceutical faculty (the day-time form of education)


To be true to the occupational choice once made: to the 90-th anniversary of M.F. Yablonsky

Zhebentyaev Aleksandr Ilyich (to the 70-th anniversary)

Buzuk Georgy Nikolayevich (to the 60-th anniversary)

Usovich Aleksandr Konstantinovich (to the 60-th anniversary)


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